Monday, 18 March 2013

Don't pass up on the beans

For many, (especially all the girls I know), beans doesn't quite top the list of their favourite meals, but there is at least one very good reason why you might want to consider placing it a few notches higher.

Beans has been found to be a good meal to fight off colorectal (colon) cancer. This is due largely to the presence of resistant starches, complex carbs found in some foods including beans.

During the process of digestion, these resistant starches, which isn't digested by the body, escape quite intact from the small to the large intestines where they ferment and produce essential bacteria that helps in fighting off rectal infections. With the added advantage of the anti-inflammatory properties found in them, colon cancer risks are greatly reduced.

Beans is also very good for weight watchers as the feeling of being full after consuming a plate, continues for hours, thereby suppressing cravings for snacks and junk foods well until your next meal.

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