Thursday, 28 March 2013

Fitness foods: Watermelon

Weight watchers are always encouraged to stock up more on fruits and vegetables than on other foods because of their amazing health benefits.

Watermelons easily fall into this class, as they have properties that could protect one against diseases such as colon cancer and diabetes.

They are rich in Vitamin A, B and C. What's more, they are low in calories and very nutritious.

It is an ideal health drink because it is 92 per cent water, and does not contain any fat or cholesterol. It also fills you up fast because of its water content. So have it along with your barbeque or grills as watermelons will prevent you from over eating.

Choose the right watermelon. Always choose one that is symmetrical and firm without any cuts and bruises. Turn it over and you will see a yellow colour on one side. The yellow area is a good sign as it shows that the watermelon was rested on the ground while ripening under the sun. It is also an indication that your melon is sweeter and juicer. Slap your melon and if it sounds hollow, then it is ripe.

If you factor in its amazing anti-oxidant properties, then you've got yourself one wonder fruit. So, next time you hit a fruit shop, don't forget to shop for a watermelon.

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